Will this increase gaming preformance?


Jan 18, 2016
I was going to buy this graphics card: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01MCUYOWK/ref=olp_product_details?_encoding=UTF8&me=

My current specs are,

GPU: AMD Radeon R5 200 Series

CPU: AMD FX(tm)-4300 Quad-Core Processor, 3800 Mhz, 2 Core(s), 4 Logical Processor(s)

Motherboard: System Model: GA-78LMT-USB3

RAM: 12 GB

I was wondering if upgrading to that graphics card it would help boost performance by alot, please give any answers/input you can. Thanks


Yes, to increase fps, i was wondering what is the best gpu to get that wont bottleneck my cpu.

CPU bottlenecking is about your monitor's resolution. The lower it is, the more the CPU does the work. So at 1080p it would be a decent combo, lower and bottlenecking gets worse. At 1440p most of the workload is done by the GPU so BN decreases.

The out of stock doesn't explain the lowball price.. the lowball price explains the out of stock. I've personally bought two GPUs from SuperBiiz as they tend to be cheaper there. If he waits a few days, they might come back in stock and he can always auto-notify. I'm just saying, the 1050ti is not, by any means, a good card when a small bump up in price could get you a great card.

Possibly, but not likely. It's a common old-school tactic to post a low price on something after it goes out of stock to mess with the competition and try to get buyers to wait. I find it hard to believe that they can sell this card for $209 when it's $289 on Amazon- the biggest online retailer with the most buying power in the world. It will probably be $288 just so the tricked shoppers will still go through them because a buck is a buck. Happens all the time.

I say sure- keep an eye on it, but if it seems too good to be true it almost always is.


The price i found for the 1050 ti is 160 and thats already pretty expensive for me right now, and the card you showed is 50 bucks more not even in stock and i doont think i should get it if my cpu bottlenecks it anyway.


Even assuming you have the highest model - the R5 240 - (there are six R5 models in the 200 series) the 1050 Ti will be a major upgrade, two or three times the performance depending on the game.
Just need to point out that resolution and cpu load are not directly related, cpu load is related to fps. 60fps at 1080p requires the same workload as 60fps at 4k.

However with a specific gpu and settings reducing the resolution will increase fps (if no other bottleneck is occurring) and it is this increase in fps that put the cpu load up. Running a frame capper would prevent this.

To be honest the 1060 is stronger than I would pair with the FX4300 unless you plan on a cpu upgrade.