Will this Intel i5 Work With This Mobo?


Aug 8, 2015
I am wondering if this cpu will work with this mobo or if you have a better suggestion on a cpu that is the same price(Intel)? Thanks!

CPU: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00KPRWB9G/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pC_nS_ttl?_encoding=UTF8&colid=1Y46UV5A6S57L&coliid=I2I8SCLRQY1JWE&psc=1

Mobo Specs:
1) Probably.
Normally you find the motherboard support site, then find the "CPU Support list" to see what is supported. I can't find that.

SOCKET compatibility is no guarantee of support. The BIOS must contain the necessary information and that's an unknown.

I would replace the motherboard regardless as they aren't too expensive to get something better than can support an OVERCLOCK if you want. See pcpartpicker.

I would not pay $400CDN for that CPU. I'd look and see if it's cheaper.

I would NOT actually get RYZEN as it needs new DDR4 memory, motherboard, CPU, and to reintall Windows (possibly buy a new copy).

4) Suggestion of CPU?
Hard to answer as you don't say:
a) current CPU?
b) Purpose of system?
c) if GAMING, what graphics card do you have?
I've FILTERED down to a few CPU choices: https://ca.pcpartpicker.com/products/cpu/#f=40&C=4,22&s=12,13&sort=a7&page=1&X=0,42607

Without again knowing the PURPOSE it's hard to recommend anything, but it is a lot of money so be sure it's worth it to upgrade.

If you're still adamant, then I'd wait for RYZEN. If the cost of the CPU is low enough, you may get something comparable to an i5/i7 for cheaper to justify the cost of a new motherboard but really hard to say (and again need new DDR4 memory).

a) i3
b) Gaming
c) ZOTAC GeForce GTX 750 Ti

Since this is a Dell motherboard, I'm going to refer you to Dell support for correct answers to your questions about CPU support and BIOS updates.