Will this item help increase my internet speed upstairs?


Jul 31, 2016
So I have my router in my basement, and I can't move it to anywhere else in the house. I was recommended this item (Zyxel Pass-Thru Ethernet Adapter AV2000 Powerline 2-port Gigabit 2-Pack). I do play a lot of LoL, and would like to know if this will increase my connection, and make my internet speed faster?
maybe. Powerline adapters are completely dependant on how your homes electrical wires are laid out. So it may work great or not at all, most likely it will work below expectations.

Running actual Ethernet lines is always best. You can also look into wifi repeaters like this. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01EXWTPCE/ref=asc_df_B01EXWTPCE5081095/?tag=hyprod-20&creative=395033&creativeASIN=B01EXWTPCE&linkCode=df0&hvadid=167140037427&hvpos=1o1&hvnetw=g&hvrand=18273735051316664341&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9033312&hvtargid=pla-378975804637
maybe. Powerline adapters are completely dependant on how your homes electrical wires are laid out. So it may work great or not at all, most likely it will work below expectations.

Running actual Ethernet lines is always best. You can also look into wifi repeaters like this. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01EXWTPCE/ref=asc_df_B01EXWTPCE5081095/?tag=hyprod-20&creative=395033&creativeASIN=B01EXWTPCE&linkCode=df0&hvadid=167140037427&hvpos=1o1&hvnetw=g&hvrand=18273735051316664341&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9033312&hvtargid=pla-378975804637
I would start by trying the WIFI range extender. It is a lower cost option than the powerline adapters. If it doesn't give you the speed you want, then you can return it and try the powerline adapters. The WIFI range extender's success will depend on the distance from the router, the construction materials used in the house, and possibly other WIFI signals in the neighborhood.

I use one successfully for a computer in one room without an ethernet connection in my house.

Hello, thank you for replying back! I wonder if this 'Powerline' is good: