Question Will this method work with my monitor?


Jul 2, 2021
I have a Samsung 27G5 with adaptive sync and also runs 144z maximum refresh rate. It is advertised as a WQHD monitor but I found out pretty much out of the box that it can run 4k just fine.

I am not running a gaming tower, instead I am running a gaming laptop that doesn't have Displayport as an output and therefore I cannot use adaptive sync. Is there anyway getting and HDMI to Displayport adapter, or a cable with HDMI on one end - and Displayport on the other would allow me to use Adaptive Sync or will I just have to live without it?
Well apparently it does work with HDMI, the info I saw online was incorrect.

I enabled it through the monitor settings, now my games have no framrate cap and there is no set refresh rate. For the sake of CPU temps I have used FPS Monitor to set my framerate back to 60fps. Oh and I don't think Freesync and 4k work together.