Will this Mobo + CPU combo work?


Dec 1, 2014
Hey everyone!

I just wanted to check that this Mobo and CPU will work together and that the Mobo will fit in my case, parts are as follows:

- MSI H81M-E35 Intel Motherboard - Socket 1150
- Intel Boxed Core i3 4330 - 3.50GHz Dual Core Processor - Socket 1150
- Cooler Master N500 ATX Chassis

Also, what are your thoughts on the Mobo and CPU, would they be a good buy? I'm going to be running them with 8gb RAM and an MSI R9 270 Gaming 2gb GPU.
Yes, everything is compatible.

I would recommend this motherboard: ASUS H97M-E

The CPU is good, although the i3-4360 is just 5 more bucks with 200 more MHz.
As for the RAM, just check the speed and I would try to get 1600MHz or higher, even though it usually doesn't make a difference. Your video card will do just fine. However, I will recommend the Corsair Graphite 230T Case, since I have heard Cooler Master cases have bad build quality and have broken a few times. Yes. all of these components will fit both your case and my case.