Will this Mobo fit in this case.

These are the only ones I can find online that I can compare with cases to see if they can fit:

Foxconn H61MXV LGA1155 Micro ATX
Foxconn H61MD LGA1155 Micro ATX
Foxconn H61AP LGA1155 ATX
Foxconn H61S LGA1155 Mini ITX
Foxconn H61MX LGA1155 Micro ATX

Was your board from a prebuilt pc as the third hole on the right side looks to low down to be installed in a normal case.

I'm not sure it will fit, I will have to do a bit more research.

Does anyone have any ideas?

I've done a little research, and could use some basic mobo help so I understand what's going on.

Basically my understanding is that the mobo screws into the rear of the pc case (looking into it side on)

So my current mobo http://support.hp.com/gb-en/document/c03135925 has what I think is 6 screws? They look like White circles, surrounded by a broken white circle?

If thats the case - Im basically trying to match those 6 screws, with a case with 'holes' in the exact same spots at the rear?

So if thats all correct - in my example - it does look like the 6th screw in the bottom right position doesn't line up with the case I linked - but the other 5 do?

And if thats correct - does the 6th one have to be screwed in - or will 5 of the 6 screws still be ok?

Hope that makes sense to someone.... :)
No-one has any ideas about how motherboards fit into cases?

I've given up hope on my original specific mobo / case question - but some general help from my previous question would be appreciated.