Will This Motherboard Fit in my Computer?


May 24, 2015
I have an Inspiron 660 Tower and the case came with the computer. I am looking to buy this card here: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813157293
My current motherboard which came with my computer is about 8.5 by 8.5inches.
Also, would this card support my intel i5 processor? Lots of other places said that it would but I just want to double check on things. And with this card I would be able to put in a graphics card... i believe. (Never dealt with motherboards before so sorry if some of these questions the answer is really obvious)

If you're willing to change to a retail case, that Asrock board you chose will be fine. And you sure don't need $320 for a case and memory. If you want a well made case that has plenty of room and is solidly built, the one I have is a good choice for not a whole lot of money: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811119233&cm_re=cooler_master_haf_912-_-11-119-233-_-Product
If you want more bling or just want to spend more, I have built a couple PCs with this case...

Oh lol... didn't notice that I said card. And yes, that is my PC. The only difference is I put in this: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B0092ML0OC/ref=twister_B0093XCRXS?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
and I also added a graphics card to my computer: http://us.msi.com/product/vga/R78702GD5TOC.html#hero-overview

My main goal out of getting a new motherboard is so that I can put in at least 16gb of RAM while my current board only supports up to 8gb. Do you have a suggestion for a board that can do this? I do not want to spend more than $150 if possible on a new board.

My current processor is: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2320 CPU @ 3.00GHz 3.00 GHz

I would want to eventually upgrade that processor as well but for the moment it suits my needs.
That board (LGA 1155 socket) and the CPUs (Sandy Bridge and Ivy Bridge) that it supports; are both considered obsolete now. Not that they aren't still powerful processors, it's just Intel's way of increasing profits for the board manufacturers. The point being, new 1150 socket CPUs are starting to get scarce.

These mATX boards should fit your case. http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.aspx?Submit=ENE&IsNodeId=1&N=100007627%204814%20600093976%20600009017

One issue to take into consideration when swapping out an OEM board for a retail one, is that Dell may use proprietary front panel connectors for the case. Retails boards all use a standard pin connection method made up of individual pairs of wires for HDD LED, power LED, power button, and reset button. But I've seen some Dells with a proprietary plug encompassing all the connections in one connector that plugs into a proprietary header designed for quick assembly.
Better check out yours before you end up with that surprise headache. Might want to just add the cost of a new retail case to your re-build as well.

I presume that $320 is for both motherboard and case? How about a gfx card?
Do you have any preference for keeping it a mATX case/motherboard, or can it be an ATX motherboard and mid-tower case?
the $320 is not for the motherboard just for ram and a case. And if you look above I have a graphics card. However i could use the $320 for the motherboard. Just the first motherboard I found was cheaper on NewEgg

If you're willing to change to a retail case, that Asrock board you chose will be fine. And you sure don't need $320 for a case and memory. If you want a well made case that has plenty of room and is solidly built, the one I have is a good choice for not a whole lot of money: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811119233&cm_re=cooler_master_haf_912-_-11-119-233-_-Product
If you want more bling or just want to spend more, I have built a couple PCs with this case: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811146148
Both cases offer lots of cooling and plenty of room behind the MB tray for cable management; something important to keep air flow good and make the finished product look good.
But the choice of cases is kinda a personal thing. You may want to check out the selection at someplace like Newegg and see what suits you: http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.aspx?Submit=ENE&IsNodeId=1&N=100007583%20600006302%20600473852%20600029808%20600006303%20600053918
I've narrowed down the choices above to eliminate the undesirable cases (IMO).
thanks you so much you have been a huge help. I just have one more question: That motherboard that I was looking at (the AsRock Extreme4) i believe doesnt come with wifi support. Will I need to but a wifi card or something?

If you don't have a router close enough to run an Ethernet cable to, yes. The board comes with a LAN adapter for hard wire connection to a router, but not wifi. But wifi adapters are not very expensive. Even USB wifi adapters work well if you are not too far away from the wireless router.