Will this PC run GTA 5?

Kiro Dani

Apr 19, 2015
Okey guys first of all i have an motherboard with am2 and the amd phenom x3 is a am2+. so will i have problems with that? my computer is an HP compaq dc5750 microtower.
The pc will be this :
AMD Phenom X3 8750 BE /2400MHz
Gigabyte GTX 650 OC 1 GB EDITION
300 W power
My actual pc is a amd 64 x2 4400 nvidia g210 and i cant run in low 800x600 due to lag

Well atleast can i play it at 1280x720 at medium or low ? i dont care about graphics i just want to play it at stable fps, i dont have more money to spend so its the best i can buy now.
It probably won't be enjoyable at any resolution. The cpu is old and doesn't meet the minimum requirements. Gta 5 is a cpu heavy game and even the fx 83xx and 9xxx series struggles. 4gb of ram is also not good. Imho the system is a waste of money especially if you are looking to play gta v. If your budget is low you may just want to get a console.