Will This PC Run Modern Games Decently?


Jun 15, 2015
Motherboard: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813131942

CPU: http://www.amazon.com/AMD-Phenom-Socket-Quad-Core-Processor/dp/B004LRO9B4/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1434341747&sr=8-3&keywords=amd+phenom+ii+x4&pebp=1434341751308&perid=61D210AFDAA04CD6B345

RAM: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00J8E91K4/ref=twister_B00JIUS3W0?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1

GPU: http://www.amazon.com/EVGA-GeForce-Dual-Link-Graphics-02G-P4-3751-KR/dp/B00IDG3PRI/ref=sr_1_1?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1434344841&sr=1-1&keywords=gtx+750+ti&pebp=1434344853753&perid=B2512CEA899F4C4FB2F0

Power Supply: http://www.amazon.com/EVGA-80PLUS-Certified-ATX12V-100-W1-0500-KR/dp/B00H33SFJU/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1434341711&sr=8-3&keywords=modular+power+supply&pebp=1434341721629&perid=0563AF2C10714657BD17

Case: http://www.amazon.com/Rosewill-Tower-Gaming-Computer-Galaxy-01/dp/B00E0P7JFA/ref=sr_1_49?ie=UTF8&qid=1434342090&sr=8-49&keywords=desktop+mid+tower+case

Alright, so, you probably noticed I didnt include the hard drive. This is because I already own a 640 GB Western Digital, and, I dont really need anymore than that, so I skipped out on buying a new one. Also, I have a disk drive as well, but I may not even use it due to the fact that almost everything is downloadable these days.

ANYWAYS! The Graphics Card I chose is definitely not EVGA's best piece, however, I dont need anything more than what I'm getting with this one.

NEXT! The CPU isnt great, but it's by no means bad. Its clocked at a solid 3.2 ghz, and I feel as if most CPU's wont bring down performance as long as they're clocked at atleast 3 ghz or higher. So, I chose this because its cheap, and you get a half way decent processor.

THE MOTHERBOARD! I have absolutely nothing to say about it. Im not good with the motherboard specifically, mainly because I dont fully understand all of its functions, however the one I chose is cheap and meets all my requirements from what I can tell.

THE RAM! There's nothing more to say, its just RAM. 8gb is pretty much the standard right now for PC gaming.

THE POWER SUPPLY: Its enough to power the PC. I dont need anything fancy like the clear Nvidia thing. Although it does look pretty cool.

THE CASE! Last on the list, its decent looking, got some LED's. Dont need anything more than what Im getting with that case. Its plenty spacious, its modern looking, annnnndddddd, yea, pretty much it. One thing I dont know is how many frames im going to get on what settings, can someone give me an idea?
in short.. probably not..(depend on your resolution..)
if you only play at 1366x768 res, yes it will do the job.
but if you talk about 1980 res (FHD), it will struggle very hard to deliver decent frames rate to your monitor..

like g-unit said, processor, is the main factor. it's better to get fx63xx class cpu. much faster in games.

And graphic card, well, this is intended for htpc machine, not for gaming machine.
but if you insist on your graphic card, 500w psu is way too much.

Any 400w psu will run your system flawlessly. even 300w psu will do too..
in short.. probably not..(depend on your resolution..)
if you only play at 1366x768 res, yes it will do the job.
but if you talk about 1980 res (FHD), it will struggle very hard to deliver decent frames rate to your monitor..

like g-unit said, processor, is the main factor. it's better to get fx63xx class cpu. much faster in games.

And graphic card, well, this is intended for htpc machine, not for gaming machine.
but if you insist on your graphic card, 500w psu is way too much.

Any 400w psu will run your system flawlessly. even 300w psu will do too..

My budget is around 500$ as of now.

Sorry for sounding like a noob here, but will I still be able to use a graphics card if I have an APU? I read somewhere theyre like a gpu and cpu combined or something like that.