Will this PSU Be enough?

Ok thanks man. What do you think of this instead? http://gyazo.com/04c4c2f820436a6ac297954d4b21b115

The price should actually be $1461 since the only thing different build I originally posted was the Case and the PSU to 750w?

I guess you're shopping from pccasegear, if it's i'd get the corsair TX 650 V2(seasonic oem psu, it's a quality one) : http://www.pccasegear.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=15_354&products_id=17211

It's more than enough for the system and it's cheaper.
Unless you want a psu for crossfire, then this one will still be slightly better : http://www.pccasegear.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=17209

If you're not, you can get either the 600W or the 750W, it will do for your system with the cpu and gpu overclocked.

well im kinda thinking of this, http://gyazo.com/04c4c2f820436a6ac297954d4b21b115 the case is pretty much like the other one works good, and the psu is 750w here so i can cross fire later. So what about that build? its good?

I'd rather modular :} but out of the two which one is better the 750W build or the 600w build