I have a corsair 400cx. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817139008&Tpk=corsair%20400cx
The CPU is i5 and I have only 1 hdd and 3 120mm fan and 2 sticks of ram. That is all the power I used. I check online a 4870 require 30A on the 12v rail and my psu provide enough amps. Just wondering, would you guys recommend this 4870 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814150436 The the price of 120AR. Am I going to run into any kind of problem with this setup? If so, what are you recommendation? Should I wait 1 more month for the new 5700 series with lower power consumption?
The CPU is i5 and I have only 1 hdd and 3 120mm fan and 2 sticks of ram. That is all the power I used. I check online a 4870 require 30A on the 12v rail and my psu provide enough amps. Just wondering, would you guys recommend this 4870 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814150436 The the price of 120AR. Am I going to run into any kind of problem with this setup? If so, what are you recommendation? Should I wait 1 more month for the new 5700 series with lower power consumption?