Will this PSU WORK


Aug 1, 2014
I order this PSU i wanna to know if it will work for this motherboard "msi fm2 a75ma e35"

The PSU IS :Corsair Builder Series CX 430 Watt ATX/EPS 80 PLUS certified Power Suppy

Like any of these: http://pcpartpicker.com/parts/compare/corsair-power-supply-cx500%2Ccorsair-power-supply-cx600m%2Cevga-power-supply-100b10500kr%2Cevga-power-supply-100b10600kr/

There are more to choose from- this was just a quick selection. If you tell me what country you're in, what your budget is and if you have a preferred website that you want to order from, I can give you a better recommendation.
You need at least 300 watts, which you've got, but you also need 30 amps on the +12V rails. The CX430 has 32 amps, so that's shaving it pretty close. I would recommend that you get a larger PSU and/or a higher quality one.

If you tell me what country you're in and what you're budget is, I can make a recommendation.

But the psu will work ??

That's not surprising. Below is pasted a list of PSUs as vetted by the pros here at tom's Hardware. You'll find the Corsair CX models in Tier 3. You'll find Logisys in Tier 5. That's the "Don't use at all. Ever. Never!" category.


So the cosair cx430 builder serie will work fine?

Like any of these: http://pcpartpicker.com/parts/compare/corsair-power-supply-cx500%2Ccorsair-power-supply-cx600m%2Cevga-power-supply-100b10500kr%2Cevga-power-supply-100b10600kr/

There are more to choose from- this was just a quick selection. If you tell me what country you're in, what your budget is and if you have a preferred website that you want to order from, I can give you a better recommendation.

Thanks So The 500w will work fine?