Will this run Skyrim (ultra settings with lots of mods)

Sorry it's been a few days, but here is this promised build guide video :) whilst it's not identical to yours, it's a great guide to show you the basics. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uk45njIUvH0&index=3&list=PL8mG-RkN2uTwlcLU_rv29Gt4578XfgJm_

This is a good one too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=roFb3TNePIg&index=10&list=PL8mG-RkN2uTwlcLU_rv29Gt4578XfgJm_

As for the differences, just google anything you need to know, but be sure to check the manuals of each product before. And of course, you can always ask here :)

As for first time tips, here are a few:

When installing the CPU, never touch anything other than the sides of the CPU - not the metal top, or the contacts on the bottom. Don't touch the pins on the motherboard CPU...

I can afford it - but i just wanted an opinion on this one as well because someone recommended it ahead of the first one.


Too late - my nose is already red. Cheers btw for your help.

Your Welcome 😉
Hello again, I swear I've seen you somewhere else... 😉 glad you got the thread up and running :) so to the build. I'd stick with the first one personally. 16GB RAM and an i7 is overkill for Skyrim, no need to spend that much :) switch to an XFX power supply as well if you want - there's actually nothing BAD about Corsair CX power supplies, but the XFX will likely be better. the only thing you should definitely do is switch to either a semi-modular or fully modular PSU, this means you can pick and choose the cables you need and it'll be a godsend when you get around to building the system. Corsair do a 'CXM' series, but you can narrow down to modular via PC Part Picker to look for other versions. Maybe take a look at the Corsair RM series - silence optimised, will go great with the Define R4 (great choice BTW, I recently bought one myself), and a lot more efficient, plus it's fully modular :) I'd personally swap the RAM to this: http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/part/corsair-memory-cmz8gx3m2a1866c9 solely becuase you 'll be looking at blue RAM on a red motherboard through to side panel window - would drive me nuts 😛 up to you though :) also, slightly better motherboad for overclocking: http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/part/msi-motherboard-z97gaming3 (I think, given the addition of extra heat syncs, hard to tell in reality though), and also slightly cheaper than most of the ASROCK listings I could see - correct me if I'm wrong and the asrock was cheaper. And a better GPU - a bit cheaper I believe, as well: http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/part/msi-video-card-912v308002 plus, the styling matched to motherboard... Yeah i'm OCD about that type of thing 😛 my only other suggestion would be perhaps get a SSD - will help with faster boot ups and loading all those mods :)

Just to clarify - this is now the finished build minus a monitor yes? On that note - so you guys recommend any particular monitors that are not horrifically expensive?
Sorry, only just noticed your reply Jacob. Im not fussed about the blue-red thing. And you will have to forgive my noobness but - overclocking??

Here is what i have so far Jacob


Any further adjustments that would
a) make it cheaper but keep the quality of play the same
b) Keep the price similar whilst rising quality of play
c) Just generally you think would be good.
Overclocking is increasing the speed of a CPU or other component (you can do it to RAM, GPU or graphics card memory - known as VRAM -) to above what it would usually operate at.
If it's not something you're going to do, then switch to the i5 4690 ( http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/part/intel-cpu-bx80646i54690 ) - no 'K' at the end. the K means you can overclock it :)

also, drop the Z97 motherboard and pick a H97 board - no overclocking ability and cheaper: here's a good one - http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/part/msi-motherboard-h97gaming3 .

Oh and something to note is that you can't get that version of the case in the UK at the minute... Here's the normal one: http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/part/fractal-design-case-fdcadefr4blw .

I wouldn't use the Antec PSU if i were you. Not exactly to best there is... :/ try this one: http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/part/xfx-power-supply-p1650xxxb9 - cheaper and better quality probably.

As for monitors, what size are you looking for? And will you be playing any online games with it? :)

ok ive changed those ( http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/user/nortycrosal/saved/#savedbuild_1368885 ) - is there a cheaper case though - i dont really care if its doesn't look beautiful i just need it to be able to house everything. And monitor wise 22-24 inch - no more than £150. i7Baby suggested the one currently on their.