I got a extra pcie 2.o slot in my motherboard. I was thinking of later on putting in a pcie SSD card like this one http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820785002&cm_re=asus_rog_raidr-_-20-785-002-_-Product
Would my motherboard bottlneck the Gpu I have or the SSD? I got a GA-B75m-D3H motherboard. My gpu is a Gtx 970. My cpu is a i5 2320
How much faster would it be than my current SSD thats hooked up to Sata 3? I got a MX100 512gb SSD.
Would my motherboard bottlneck the Gpu I have or the SSD? I got a GA-B75m-D3H motherboard. My gpu is a Gtx 970. My cpu is a i5 2320
How much faster would it be than my current SSD thats hooked up to Sata 3? I got a MX100 512gb SSD.