Will this SSD work for me?


Jul 27, 2015
I am currently looking at the SAMSUNG 850 EVO SSD, although I am not experienced with SSDs at all so I am not exactly sure how much storage I will need in my SSD. I was thinking about using it as a boot drive but I decided against that, currently I use a 1TB Hard Drive for my main storage and I wanted to get a SSD to store games on such as Counter Strike, Fallout 4, Nosgoth and some other games, I don't think I will need 1TB by any means so I am between getting a 200GB or a 500GB.

With an SSD, you really, really want that as your OS drive. And whatever applications will fit on it. Games or whatever.
Anything else is mostly a waste.

The 850 EVO 250GB is a good choice.