Will this system run BF4


Nov 26, 2013
Will this build run, BF4, BF3, Skyrim, Minecraft and Day Z at 60fps medium settings 1080p. Obviously for BF4 I would lower settings, but would it run it at atleast 40fps?

Here is the build:http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/p/29KR3

Please dont reccomend a build just tell me straight up yes or no. If no please tell me why and I will try and improve.
Straight answer, I don't think so.

The Pentium might be just a bit weak for Battlefield, particularly multiplayer. The 7790 will give you enough oomph for low-med graphics at 1080, but I doubt you'll maintain 60fps. Probably more like 30fps - 40fps. The other games you list should be ok.

If you're on a hard budget and can't get a full i3, I'd look at an FX-4300 or 6300.

So you are saying that all games excluding BF4 should run at 60fps but Bf4 will struggle but still run at 30 to 40 fps at Low -medium graphics. Well I was stcuk between getting an i3 3220 straight away and keep that for 2 years or keep the pentium for 1 year and then get an i5 Quad core.


Should run around BF4 around 40 fps, but I do agree if you can upgrade your CPU to either a fx 6300 or athlon II x4 750k you can play it a lot smoother.

Here's a gameplay video with a 7750: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bs9ZZvhcA8M

I believe so. I'll admit, I don't play Battlefield myself, so I can just go off what I read in the reviews and benchmarks. But a G2020 paired with a 7790 doesn't have a whole lot of muscle compared to the EA's own recommended specs ( quad-core Intel with a 7870. ) Multiplayer is a CPU hog. Even with the details turned down, the Pentium could cause bad gameplay in big maps, regardless of your GPU power. However a strong CPU would keep things going smooth, even if you had to drop the detail a bit.

If you're on a tight budget, I'd get the FX-6300 with the 7790. It may not look stunning, but you won't have choppy gameplay.