[SOLVED] Will this upgrade make a big difference?

Feb 3, 2019
Hello everyone, I am thinking about upgrading my pc, but i'm wondering if this upgrade will make a big impact and if the purchase would be worth it. Currently I have this main build:

CPU: AMD Athlon X4 860K

GPU: Radeon RX 480 8GB

Motherboard: MSI A68-HM E33


Mostly playing videogames on my pc, overwatch is currently the most played game for me.
I am thinking about buying these parts for the upgrade: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/3xsytg
any advice or help would be greatly appreciated! Would love to hear if this would make a big difference or not.
Currently i am under the impression that my CPU is bottlenecking my pc really hard. Is this correct?
Thanks in advance!
Well... as an opinion, I upgraded from an x4 760k, 8GB RAM and GTX 750 ti to a Ryzen 5 1600, 16GB RAM and an ASRock AB350 Pro4. Eventually I would upgrade to a GTX 1070 ti.

In terms of the framerates for the games I played it made a perceivable difference even with the GTX 750 ti.

In your case, I would suggest getting a better chipset like the B350 at the very least for overclocking potential and port availability (like SATA for hard drives) if you can afford it.
Well... as an opinion, I upgraded from an x4 760k, 8GB RAM and GTX 750 ti to a Ryzen 5 1600, 16GB RAM and an ASRock AB350 Pro4. Eventually I would upgrade to a GTX 1070 ti.

In terms of the framerates for the games I played it made a perceivable difference even with the GTX 750 ti.

In your case, I would suggest getting a better chipset like the B350 at the very least for overclocking potential and port availability (like SATA for hard drives) if you can afford it.

This upgrade will not make huge difference in your gaming performance but I strongly suggest you to get it. As it will open doors for future upgrade. A future upgrade to RX580 or 2060 will make a huge difference in gaming performance. Also get a faster RAM of 3000mhz as ryzen performs better with faster RAM