ok,scratch everything I said I have one question:I checked out other parts and I found better stuff for my budget:msi a68hm
8gb ddr3 ram
and amd a8 7600
My question is the previously linked power supply unit is strong enough to handle the new specs I just listed and if these actually work together,my budget haven't changed around 300euros ruffly same in u.s. dollars
and my current specs are:intel g3420,gt 720,4gb dd3 ram,FSP300-60HHN 85+,Gigabyte Technology Co. Ltd. H81M-S2V (SOCKET 0)
I don't know any more info. but if you need any more I have a lot of freetime 😀
quick edit:the site I'm getitng my stuff from is alza.sk,and I have 4 usb slots two 8 size fans(if I'm correct) and other than the power button I don't recall other led parts,and 2 ps2 tipe connection slots(I don't know their real name 😀)