For all you people saying oh dear, it's already got a release date and it's not polished well think again. Titanfall was only announced late-2013 and had been worked on for 2 YEARS. So really it has a very high rate of being stable when released
Perhaps. Or maybe they've learnt their lesson after BF4 and are putting more effort into polishing the game instead of releasing DLCs for a very fragmented game....
Perhaps. Or maybe they've learnt their lesson after BF4 and are putting more effort into polishing the game instead of releasing DLCs for a very fragmented game....
Well one thing is for sure, i wont be pre ordering shit from EA ever again i had enough with sim city and bf4
Don't go raging now, developing games is hard and there will be errors and bugs, they just got hurried to catch up with deadlines. As i heard the multiplayer will be develop by Respawn not EA. so it might not be bad.
For all you people saying oh dear, it's already got a release date and it's not polished well think again. Titanfall was only announced late-2013 and had been worked on for 2 YEARS. So really it has a very high rate of being stable when released