Will vive pro drop price or new high-end vr headset release?

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Nov 15, 2013
I may plan to buy a vive pro headset, so I would like to know vive pro will drop price or not later this year or other competitive products come out. Thanks.
That really didn't answer your root question which is WAIT or buy.
That comes down to, how long would you wait for the new controllers? Are you willing to buy new controllers if the new ones come out after you buy?

No recent news on them. Last I read, developers got a new gen of controller models, which might be the last ones. Also the new skeletal tracking system. If I was to guess, I'd say you got at least till Christmas before they hit shelves.
Soo.. what is going to happen next is the release of the Vive Knuckle controllers. That will result in the Vive Pro Kit being updated. That will likely not reduce the cost of the original Vive kit.

Here is my reasoning...
The HTC Vive(1)'s competitor is the Oculus Rift.
The HTC Vive(2/Pro) has no competitor, as it is the next gen hardware.

That stated, there isn't really any consumer software for VIVE Pro, and there is no news to grandfather the HTC Vive(1).

Here is what I suspect as a timeline...
- HTC Vive Controllers
- HTC Vive Pro Kit.
- Knuckle controllers compatible for Vive1?
- Wireless accessory release for Vive Pro.
- HTC Tracker for Lighthouse 2.

The next gen...
- multiple lighthouse support (+3x and multi-room.)
- Push on the commercial experience.
- Vive Accessories (commercial / consumer).

Then things will simmer for a bit and they will focus on software.

The Gen2 - Htc1 will be retired.
Vive Pro will become the standard, and they will start working on the next tech. If I was to guess...

- Increased resolution.
- Smaller and better / cheaper trackers.
- Lighter HMD.
- Better audio.
- Standard wireless tech.
- Auto room scanning / object safety scanning.

That really didn't answer your root question which is WAIT or buy.
That comes down to, how long would you wait for the new controllers? Are you willing to buy new controllers if the new ones come out after you buy?

No recent news on them. Last I read, developers got a new gen of controller models, which might be the last ones. Also the new skeletal tracking system. If I was to guess, I'd say you got at least till Christmas before they hit shelves.
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