What games do you know of that have announced windows 10 only?
I have in the pat been an eager first adopter, but this windows 10 does give me pause.
Part of my problem is that I give support to some non tech friends that have windows 7 installs.
One did the windows 10 upgrade because another friend said he liked it.
It was a disaster and he had to go back.
In time, such upgrades will have more issues worked out.
At the very least, I will wait until the expiration of the offer and probably pay for an upgrade to PRO so I can control updates.
For older games, I have a backup pc that I plan to keep as windows 7 32 bit so I can continue to play my all time favorite older game Civilization 2.42. I need 32 bit for old 16 bit dos games.
The verify cd issue is windows 10 protecting you from yourself. Apparently the program that does the checking is very exposed from a security point of view.
FWIW, boot times do not mean much to me. I use sleep to ram so sleep/wake is about 3 seconds.