Will Windows 7 always work on any new games?


Mar 14, 2016
Will new games forever run on Windows 7 since Windows 7 is the known best stable system? Or will there be a time that a new game will not run on Windows 7? If that time comes will there be a way to make Windows 7 work on those new games?

Basically, yes. "Win 10" will continue to receive updates, for a long long time.
If you have a qualifying OS and want Win 10 for free, you have to Upgrade that OS before then end of July 2016.
After that, you'll have to buy Win 10.
Answer is pretty easy i guess. Once dx12 games start to roll out not only win7 but even win8 would't be useful anymore since dx12 to my best of knowledge is supported only by win10. So, win7 in terms of gaming would be obsolete in 2-3 years, let's say 5 tops. Cheers!
Well so its best to use Windows 10 if I use Windows 7 since its free now to upgrade? I should not just ignore the upgrade and keep using Windows 7 and hope it will run games in maybe 5 years? Are you sure there's no way to keep Windows 7 and play games? Will it require Windows 10 in around 5 years and I have no choice but to use Windows 10?
Considering how many people are still using windows 7, I doubt that any game designer would limit their games to windows 10 for the reasonable future.
And, you will find that games that run on windows 7 now will not run on windows 10.
For example games that use a distributed dvd for verification.


You can upgrade for free. And to be honest, Win10 is pretty awesome if you're not having a complete potato pc. I've subscribed to the beta testing back when they started to roll out stable and usable versions, and besides pretty minor issues I had a great time using it. I don't regret switching to win10. And the benchmarks suggest that games run a lill bit faster under win10 than they do under 8 or 7.

Win 7 for 5 years? No problem.
Win 7 forever? Problem.
Well I just don't know if its worth getting Windows 10 but if games will need it in the future I will have no choice but to use it. But one guy said that game makers won't limit you so you need Win 10 but is that true? Meaning game makers will always make it so games will still run that is not DirectX 12 like Windows 10.
But if I will NEED Windows 10 in the future then its better of getting it when its free like now. But if game makers will always make it so it can run on older OS like Windows 7 then I can keep Windows 7.
You need to upgrade your OS when your existing OS does not do what you need it to do.

Do you need DirectX12 NOW? Then you need Win 10. (but no, you don't need DX12 now).
If you wish to use Windows, the next version, Windows 10, will cost you ~$100 after July 28 2016.

Old habits die hard (just like before win7 was released everybody was like "forever xp"). Or more importantly for ex. older peripherals wouldn't work under win10. There are a few reasons though I might understand not switching to a newer OS.

I am not eager for windows 10 for several reasons.
1. I see no compelling advantage TO convert.
2. The privacy defaults are very unsettling do some google work on that.
3. Windows 10 keeps me from running older games that need to verify the cd.
4. Windows 10 home updates whenever it wants to. I want to control when an update is done.


"Old habits"
I have old habits too.
DOS, Win95, Win2k. All died hard...but they all died.

I get the reason for attempting to run older OS's. Figure it out and do it.
I don't get the reasoning to avoid new ones that actually do what you need it to do, and an old one does not.
There are already games going to be released this year that are Windows 10 only.

1. The OS handles better than Win 7, faster boot times more stable.
2. Privacy defaults are unsettling though just go through them and turn them off.
3. Cant run compatibility mode and Administrator on those games? I think you'd need both if you are running into Verify CD issues.
4. Only way to avoid that is to upgrade to Windows 10 Pro $100 from home to pro, though you still have to change the setting to change the default.
What games do you know of that have announced windows 10 only?

I have in the pat been an eager first adopter, but this windows 10 does give me pause.

Part of my problem is that I give support to some non tech friends that have windows 7 installs.
One did the windows 10 upgrade because another friend said he liked it.
It was a disaster and he had to go back.
In time, such upgrades will have more issues worked out.
At the very least, I will wait until the expiration of the offer and probably pay for an upgrade to PRO so I can control updates.

For older games, I have a backup pc that I plan to keep as windows 7 32 bit so I can continue to play my all time favorite older game Civilization 2.42. I need 32 bit for old 16 bit dos games.
The verify cd issue is windows 10 protecting you from yourself. Apparently the program that does the checking is very exposed from a security point of view.

FWIW, boot times do not mean much to me. I use sleep to ram so sleep/wake is about 3 seconds.

So, I got lucky. Turned out my new mobo was really picky about Win7 install via usb (I had no dvd drive). W10 insider was still active, a gave it a try, worked like a charm, and as a bonus I got a free Win10 Pro license when it got released. Probably this is why I'm inclined to favor this new os.
Well this is the thing and the problem if Windows 10 was free forever then I will keep using Windows 7 but since its not I have no choice but to get Windows 10 since I would save $120 which is a lot of money when that time comes when I need Windows 10 for my game. I mean yes I can keep using Windows 7 untill I need 10 which could be a long time but then I will have wasted money when I could get it for free now. Or maybe I can keep using Windows 7 untill July 29 this year since that's the dead line but I know I won't need DirectX 12 by then still but I will have to force and use it. Kinda sucks but I wish Windows 10 was free forever that would make me happy and maybe others too. But I wanted to ask you guys that should I do it or just give up on Windows 10 and keep using Windows 7 for games and hope that will keep making games run on Windows 7 but just can't use DirectX 12 features of that new game which is fine to me.

In the grand scheme of things, no, $120 is not 'a lot of money'. It is a part of a PC, just like the RAM/GPU/etc.
How much was your original Win 7? How much did the PC cost?

It is just another OS. You currently have Win 7 installed. If you wish to change that to Win 10 for free, do it before the end of July.
If you want to change after July, pay for it.

"Problem" ? They released a new OS. Gave people a year to Upgrade, for free. Should they extend that 'year' to 'forever'?
Why should they do that?
Well originally I heard that from now on Microsoft was going to just keep updating and it will be free from now on after Windows 10 but I don't if I heard it true on that though. But I guess I just have to update it before July 29 so then its free.

Basically, yes. "Win 10" will continue to receive updates, for a long long time.
If you have a qualifying OS and want Win 10 for free, you have to Upgrade that OS before then end of July 2016.
After that, you'll have to buy Win 10.