Will windows10 automatically install drivers for my MOBO and GPU? Also what needs drivers besides MOBO's and GPU's?

Go to Control Panel, Devices and Printers, left click on the Computer Icon, Device Installation Settings (towards bottom of list) click NO, Save Changes. MS will not update anymore useless drivers.

Go to Device Manager and go through each device and check with the manufacturers site for updated drivers.

Most devices listed in the Dev Mgr are generic MS drivers, it won't be as tedious as you think.

yeah, though for the gpu you should go get the whole package. windows certified drivers are a little behind what comes from gpu makers. additionally there is software ran on top of drivers, that is important, that windows will not install. should be all good for the mobo drivers though.

edit: just go to your device drivers and make sure nothing has a yellow exclamation point, to be sure.

how do I check my device drivers?

thanks. No yellow exclamation points, although I can't find my gpu in the list. I think display adapter might mean gpu, but I'm not sure
Go to Control Panel, Devices and Printers, left click on the Computer Icon, Device Installation Settings (towards bottom of list) click NO, Save Changes. MS will not update anymore useless drivers.

Go to Device Manager and go through each device and check with the manufacturers site for updated drivers.

Most devices listed in the Dev Mgr are generic MS drivers, it won't be as tedious as you think.


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