Will wireless override Ethernet?


Sep 8, 2017
So, in a few months i'm building a new gaming PC. My gaming PC's always had and will always have a wired Ethernet connection. However, i look up locations online quite a lot for a few family members so i would still like to install the WIFI antennas for the motherboard as having wireless networking tends to improve location accuracy. But if i did that would it cause some sort of conflict? Or force me to use wireless? Or flip flop back and fourth between the two? And just to clarify, i will use Ethernet for everything done online the WIFI is just there to improve location accuracy nothing more. What do you guys think? Thanks!
In your network settings you just need to set your default connection as your wired ethernet. Setting up location accuracy is as simple as enabling it from the settings menu. Windows will handle this for you and you should not see a conflict arise.
In your network settings you just need to set your default connection as your wired ethernet. Setting up location accuracy is as simple as enabling it from the settings menu. Windows will handle this for you and you should not see a conflict arise.
So you are saying your ISP can tell which room in your house you are using ?? :)

There ethernet on most machine will always be preferred because it is faster. You have to mess with the metric to change it but it is simpler to just unplug it.

The location information will be lucky to get a correct city, many times it is not even close, but it can not figure out even where you house is much less which machine you are using.

Now if you have allowed sites to use nasty things like third party cookies they can use information from say your facebook account to track you.

Cable will be faster no mater what. While WIFI gives you mobility around the house. Both are pointing to same IP adress so if your ISP pointed it to your house then that's it. after that its local network and if you wont name endpoints by yourself, noone will.
if you wish for others to have harder time geting to you, use VPN. opera have this feature for free, can show online you're for example from CANADA.
www.tunnelbear.com might help you. Try it out, if you're afraid.

Is that in location settings or network settings?

Oh yeah I know. I thought you were talking about something else.