will ZOTAC NVIDIA GeForce GT 730 2GB DDR5 Graphics Card work with Gigabyte G41 Combo motherboard

It should work fine. Doesn't look like it will block any ports or anything of that sort either that old motherboards can have issues with newer/larger GPU's.

then Geforce Gt-740 DDR5 will also work fine with it?
will Nvidia GeForce GTX750Ti work fine with G41 combo?
Depending on your power supply, both of those other cards will work. Most 750Ti models won't draw more than the 75W that the PCIe slot can supply. I think some models of the 750Ti do require an extra 6-pin PCIe power connector, so if that would be an issue, double check the models you are considering. The 740 won't have any issues either.