win 10 creators update issues


Feb 4, 2017

just wondering if you guys have the same the probleme as i do. i did the windows 10 creators update, i 100% regret doing it

so i have a boot ssd for win10 and a wd black 2tb for steam and everything else.

it hapens really a lot of the times, when i start my computer my computer dosent recognise my second hdd. and then i have to restaqrt a couple of times or take the cable of the hdd put it back in. this never happened to me before the update so its frustrating....

just wondering if you guys have the same probleme and doo you have any soluton!
no problem, just thought it would help to check drive out first.

When you say PC doesn't recognise 2nd drive, is that only in windows? can you see if its shown in the BIOS?

What motherboard do you have? Win 10 might be expecting newer drivers for sata or chipset. I don't know for sure.