Question Win 10 , Second chance startup - Solved

Nov 18, 2023
My Windows 10 machine starts up avery second time only. After regular shutdown, the windows does not boot up. Only the second boot will be successfull.
Windows corrupts something, dumps it into a config which cannot be used at startup.
Pulling the plug " solves " the issue,therefore the question:
-Is there a way , to prevent Windows from storing the "after boot up" configuration and just starting with a blank configuration every time?

Fastboot was disabled.
Fast startup was disabled.
only after executing pwrcfg -h it solved the boot problem. (every second boot successfull on win 10)
( additionally, this has to be run from command prompt as administrator)
-press Windows Key
-type cmd
-command prompt appears on top of menu
-right click and then choose Run as administrator
-type powercfg -h off

Thanks for the solution to Colif and SkyNetRising.