Win 2000 password help!!


Oct 26, 2001
In an attempt to get my XP Pro pc to see my Win 2000 notebook, I think I've made a stupid mistake. The Win 2000 notebook had no password, but when I tried to access it with my XP pc it was asking for a password. I assigned a username and password to the Win 2000 notebook and now for some reason I can't logon. I'm not sure of the username. I was distracted by the phone as I was setting it up and I recall that the user name was something like \\username\username or something like that . I thought just the "username" and the password I assigned (which I am sure of) would get me into the machine but now I can't logon.
What would be the normal setup of the username? Maybe I can piece it together? or failing that how can I bypass the login? I know that this is difficult with Win 2000 but unfortuately I'm stuck!
Any help would be appreciated.
The backslashes in the username is used if you e.g. log on to a domain, that is different from your current. In that case you write \\<domain or computer name>\<user name>.
However if you only log on locally (just windows logon). You shouldnt need to specify any domain/comp name or backslashes.
You could also logon as administrator (if you know the admin PW) and set the password for the username in question.

You may want to check out <A HREF="" target="_new">this</A> if you dont know the admin password.

<i><b>Engineering is the fine art of making what you want from things you can get</b></i>