Win 7 64-bit 8GB Ram oonly 7.15GB usable?


Jan 11, 2013
so i just setp um my Gaming rig with corsair vengeance 8gb ram 2 sticks of 4 and it only shows 7.15 usable.

what could the problem be?

Win7 Home Premium 64-bit
i5 2500k
Asrock Z77 Pro4
MSI HD7870
Corsair Vengeance 8gigs 2 4gigs
Not certain since I haven't used the Intel lineup in years, but considering you can get on-board video with their latest processors, I imagine that missing memory has been allocated to support the on-board video. I believe this happens even if you are not actually using the on-board video.
Just because you have a dedicated GPU does not automatically disable the iGPU anymore on current systems. Go into BIOS and disable the onboard GPU and you should get that little bit of memory back... however, nearly 1GB of ram seems like an awful lot to be set aside for onboard video.