win 7 does not shut down per power management settings


Nov 27, 2013

its pretty simple, my mom's PC just does not shut down itself even if there is to turn off everything after 1 hour of inactivity... i've googled ton but did not find anything about this - at this point im not willing to set up any scheduler thing, because this is basic thing and it should work... so, do you know anything that might be blocking the autoshutdown? or sleep or whatever, i just dont want it to run 24/7 as my mom does not care about shutting it down manually, obviously...

thank you for any tips !
first of all, thanks jsmithepa for the reaction

and second of all, to clarify, i meant sleep mode instead of a shutdown primarily...

in power options, i believed the setting "transfer to sleep mode in" and a dropdown time selection means after how long the machine is put to sleep mode after inactivity, but for the said machine theres a value of 30 minutes set and appropriate scheme is slelected but i have never seen the computer in a sleep mode, monitor is always shining with the desktop...

does this information change anything?

i really tried to google a lot, but in like 30 minutes (ok, it might not be A LOT, but there were like 3 tries in total over last couple of months with no result, i always gave up because im not the one paying the electricity in that house and i gave up telling her to shut it down manually) but did not find anything...

no one really knows the answer, why the computer is running 24/7 even when hybernation is turned on after 30 minutes of inactivity? i mean, in power management settings, there is set to go for hybernation after 30 mins