Win 7 lags on start, even with SSD


Jan 17, 2014
I have my OS (Windows 7 Home) on an OCZ solid sate drive that I installed several months ago. i was really enjoying the 20 second boot times! Somewhere along the way, boot times have bogged down like crazy. Nothing else was wrong with the PC, so I never put any real effort into solving this problem; i just put up with the slight annoyance. But it can take about 2 minutes for windows to boot and its really annoying now. I have looked into different things to correct the slow boot times, but nothing has worked.

I have an OCZ Agility 3 SSD, Sabortooth R2 (AMD), AMD FX 4 core processor. And here is a list of what i have done so far:
1: Start up Repair. I plugged in my Win 7 disc and ran the start up repair, and no change.

2: Updated the firmware on the OCZ Agility 3 SSD

3: Checked graphics card drivers that they were up to date

4: Tried to start windows without GUI to see the drivers as they load and see if windows hangs up on any, but infact couldt see any at all. The screne was blank for the 2 or so minutes before windows loaded

5:I ran a boot log, and here is a list of all the drivers that DID NOT LOAD. all other drivers did load correctly...
Did not load driver \SystemRoot\System32\drivers\dxgkrnl.sysDid not load driver \SystemRoot\System32\Drivers\NDProxy.SYS
Did not load driver \SystemRoot\System32\Drivers\NDProxy.SYS
Did not load driver \SystemRoot\System32\Drivers\NDProxy.SYS
Did not load driver \SystemRoot\System32\Drivers\NDProxy.SYS
Did not load driver \SystemRoot\system32\DRIVERS\MpFilter.sys
Did not load driver \SystemRoot\System32\DRIVERS\srv.sys

I thought about completely wiping Windows and doing a fresh install, but I don't want to go through the hassle of re installing drivers and other apps and such. Also I kind of want to know what is going on here, so i can prevent this from happening again!
Any help with this would be soooooo awesome!
Thanks, and let me know if you need any more information from me.
I Do have TRIM enabled, and I also ran the TRIM utility provided by OCZ; again, no boot time results.

The curious thing is this: I ran a boot log on my buddy's PC (He has a Samsung SSD compared to my OCZ) and our boot logs are the exact same! All the drivers NOT LOADING on my PC are also NOT LOADING on his, yet he still has super fast boot times; his takes 20 seconds, mine takes 2 minutes! What gives???

The only thing I can think of at the moment is, one of the drivers is taking forever to load. I tried to boot the PC "No GUI" from the start menu and look at the start-up activity and see if it hangs on a specific driver, but it doesnt show me anything; the screen remains blank until it finally loads.
Is there a specific way to get the startup info on screen?

What leads me to the thought of a driver taking a really long time to load is this (and its just a thought mind you): My BroadCom driver will not update.
The driver for my PCIe wireless card is "out of date" and it shows an available update in Windows Update. But the driver fails to install correctly. My internet has worked just fine so I never paid too much attention to the driver update, especially since initially had to use a 3rd party driver to get the wireless card to work properly; the driver for the NetGear card never worked properly. This has never affected boot times. But maybe now?
Im thinking maybe the current BroadCom driver is out date enough that it takes forever for the PC to initialize it booting up.

If its not the BroadCom driver then I am out of ideas, save for another rogue driver. No way to tell I don't think until I can see for certain what the PC is doing during boot.

Any help is greatly appreciated!