Win 7 performance disk data transfer rate


Oct 6, 2011
I need help. I have a Dell XPS 8000 with a quad core, 8 gig ram, 7 pro, 6gb hdd and 6gb controller. I've tried SSD's that were 6gb and still having issues with slow performance. My main program is Arcview Mapping. I"ve tweaked the cache, I've put the Win swapfile on a second 6gb drive, tried 'no swapfile' so it all runs in ram, just about everything I can think of. We have gigabit nic, switch to switch, etc.
It uses a lot of updates to the screen straight from internet, but local files should load faster. I have a copy on my local 6gb drive then sync to server at eod trying to r/o net latency. Majority of work is to/from local drive, but still can't wring out more speed. When I open Arcview, it takes 1.5 minutes to get to a workable screen. File size I'm loading doesn't make a diff.

What am I missing?
I think he's talking about a 6Gbit/sec SATA-III drive.

It would help to know what actual transfer rates he's getting. He can't actually expect to get 6Gbit/sec (600MByte/sec), and he probably can't even get the kind of transfer rates that the drives benchmark at under a real-world workload. But it would be useful to know what kind of transfer rates he's actually seeing.


Oct 6, 2011
the 6gb is transfer speed. Sata III. I"m also running Geforce GTS250 1gig video ram card. I went back to a standard 6gb Sata III drive (1 gig size). The SSD, even with trim, sector alignment, etc, wasn't getting it. Kept slowing down over time. Also did not put swapfile on SSD to avoid shortened life.

What benchmark software would you recommend?