Win 7 printer

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Mar 22, 2010
I have installed Windows 7 on my laptop and after a bit of a struggle, my main systems are working OK. My one problem now is that Windows refuses to recognise my Canon i80 printer. It appears in the Devices & Printers panel under the Unspecified heading. Nothing I do will entice it into the Printers section. My search for new drivers has proved to be equally frustrating. Any advice???? BeeVee
I'm having the exact same problem, I downloaded all the drivers and software that Canon offered for the i80 and Windows 7 - no luck. Did you ever solve your problem?
That driver download site is a bit odd, the Driver is listed as an "add-on". Not sure what that means in Canon talk, but in general Tech Talk, that means you need to have the core setup installed, then run that add-on.

Try this download from Canon:
Setup Utility Ver. 1.0.4 (Windows 7/7 x64/Vista/Vista64/XP/2000/Me/98)

Then run that add-on thing.

You have probably solved this by now but I am replying to provide info to all those like myself ran into the same problem.

You can get Windows7 to find the files by using the Windows7 commands
"Devices and Printers",
"Add Printer",
"Local Printer",
"Existing Port LPT1" (may not appear or be different on your machine)
Select Printer from manufacturer and type but if not available use button below for windows update printer list. This did take many minutes as it suggests because I was using a wireless card.
Then find the i80 printer in the long list of canon printers.
Select Next button.

All should proceed normally after that.

From cyclist5159

I now have a bit more information on this after having trouble with the port number as given above.

I found that it would not communicate with the printer but if I deleted the printer from the list and the next time I plugged the computer into the USB port it did it all for itself. i.e. found the correct port and installed the printer as it new where to get the drivers having done the updated list as above.

Working OK now.
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