Win 7 PRO 64 bit OS has 4 GB RAM but only 3.25 useable.

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Aug 2, 2014
New win 7 professional 64 bit OS shows 4 GB of RAM, but only 3.25 useable.

It has an AMD A8-5600k APU. Is this due to the APU using the other 0.75 GB for grapics?

I don't know what the motherboard is, so could this be a limitation?

I know that on 32 bit systems, this is common. But, why on a 64 bit system?
Yeah it's your igpu, for some reason most of the time windows will say x.xx usable or it will show all of the memory usable even though there is a igpu using .5 MB of it which is the case with me.
thanks for the reply...wasn't sure, but I believe you are right. This is a friends computer in Germany and once I know what the mobo is, I'm sure that will be the case.
Also some chipsets on the motherboard are 32 bit, so the same limitation can apply even if the cpu is 64 bit and the os is 64 bit. But check the graphics allocation first. One example is the Dell D820, I myself installed win 7 64 bit on it for someone with 4gb only to find out it cannot address 4gb.

And did some reseach online to find this out. Some laptops also have other arbituary limits like the dell d420, which I believe was the bios limit. Will only address 2gb ram with 2.5gb installed.
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