win 7 won't read iomega external hard drive


Dec 18, 2013
I have an iomega external hard drive, when I plug it in to my win 7, the light turns on, but nothing shows on my computer as a portable drive. When I go to device manager, I can see it, but can't open or format it with win 7 coz it's not showing on my computer. help plz.
Run diskmgmt.msc > Find your iomega drive > It shouldn't have a drive letter > See if it shows as Dynamic > Right click > Select convert to Basic. Ready.

I'm not sure if this makes you lose data on the drive, I think it doesn't but do some research about it before. Anyone else who can confirm?
Did the recommended actions, but was already set to "basic" and couldn't see it on the Windows Explorer just yet.

Before all this I could use it on Ubuntu but had to repartition and reformat the disk because it showed as not having an entry point to the boot table (yeah it was not the boot table, something like that).

Will try other options, but now it seems that after unmounting the drive on windows (safe extract) and exiting the disk management program, I can't reconnect to the virtual disk service. Maybe I'll just reboot this trash.