Win 8.1 Not Seeing Hard Drive


Feb 26, 2014
Fairly new computer with Gigabyte X79-UP4 motherboard. Attempted to upgrade the existing Corsair SSD to a much larger Samsung SSD - never did get that to work, but that is another story still in progress.

In the process of trying to get the new SSD to boot up, I played around with the setup a bit trying different drive configurations, since the AHCI setup was not seeing the SSD. I gave up on the Samsung for now, but somehow in the process Windows no longer sees my 2TB hard drive - it just kind of vanished.

In the computer setup I can see it on the main screen, so it is apparently functional. The problem is that it does not show now on the list of drives in the SATA setup page. It shows the old SSD, and 2 USB devices only. I apparently disabled the HD somehow, but cannot see anyplace to fix it. Any ideas?