I just purchased an AMD Thunderbird 1ghz processor along with an MSI K7tPro-2A motherboard based off of the KT-133 Via chipset. Initial hardware setup went flawless...until i went to install Windows 98. First, I got BSODs during the install itself. Several resets and formats later, it finally installed. Now Windows is pretty unstable. I figured perhaps it would gain some stability when I downloaded some software updates and what not. However, it hasn't. Aside from the processor and mobo, i have an Asus V7700 Geforce2 Pro /w 64mb, Creative Soundblaster Live, Diamond Supra Modem, 3Com network card, 128mb of Micron PC133 SDRAM, and a 13.0GB Maxtor hard drive. Any insight on this would be greatly appreciated..