Win an SSD this Windependence Day - What Linux Software Do I Need?


Sep 10, 2008
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Greetings all. In honor of July 4th, I am declaring my independence from Windows 10 and want to try using desktop Linux for a full day of work. I have used Linux many times but never as my primary OS for work and I'd love some recommendations.

What flavor of Linux should I try?
I need Linux software to do the following things:

1. Photo editing
2. VPN (using an OpenVPN system so probably OpenVPN)
3. Editing code, primarily HTML and JavaScript.
4. Video conferencing / chatting with people on Skype.
5. Email client, compatible with Office 365 account.
6. Obviously web browsing, but I plan to use Chromium for this.
distro: Xubuntu
1: ??
2: OpenVPN
3: i use Eclipse, but i've heard plenty good things about VSCode, just haven't gotten around to trying it yet.
4: Skype has a native linux client. there's also Pidgin.
5: Thunderbird
6: since you're planning on HTML/javascript editing, get them both, firefox and chromium. (personally i use Chrome+firefox, for the Flash plugin, but meh)
Linux Mint

1. Gimp
2. hardware VPN with free Radius server loaded on Linux server
3. Atom editor
4. Skype is loaded with Mint, or use discord
5. Thunderbird
6. Firefox for Browser, more private.