Question win cant load


Jun 24, 2012
i had a computer A with a 1to hdd win7 and data on it . mobo broke.

i used a transition pc a laptop and sin i had to consult the data, i used a usb to hdd adapter . worked fine

i bought a new used SFF computer, i tested with the hdd and win 10 it cam with . woked fine
i did install my new ssd wit win10 on it and workd fine.

this moring i unplugged the ssd and plugged the 1 to hdd win7 on the SFF and i have those screen what does it mean?

do i need to have jumper at the back of the hdd ? or setup the bio ?

Did you try connecting the drive to actual SATA/IDE and SATA/Molex power connectors? Im talking about pitting it into your pc with proper connectors that one would use to connect the drive normally. If not, you might need a Windows 7 installation disk or Boot Drive if your original windows 7 got corrupted or doesnt want to work. ive only ever worked with windows 10 and when installing that you get an option to Upgrade from a previous version or give a fresh install deleting everything else.
Then Is there a way to access that data or is it trapped?
The data, probably.
Boot from whatever drive and OS was in that system, and have this Win 7 drive as a secondary drive.
But then you'll probably run into permissions issues. The "Libraries" are linked to the original user. TakeOwnership is a workaround, but a pain.

All could be prevented with a little bit of planning.
The data, probably.
Boot from whatever drive and OS was in that system, and have this Win 7 drive as a secondary drive.
But then you'll probably run into permissions issues. The "Libraries" are linked to the original user. TakeOwnership is a workaround, but a pain.

All could be prevented with a little bit of planning.
Okay, Ive tried hooking a windows 7 drive up to a Windows 10 pc to take some files off (the files dont matter) but the drive didnt seam to exsist? This was a year ago so I forgot about it
when you say necting the drive to actual SATA/IDE and SATA/Molex , yes i did i mean, is there another way to connect a hdd that with the sata cable and multicolor power wire?
itried inserting the sata from the 1 tera in the female spot on the mobe that is darker blue but it seems like it didnt change much
in bios it sees the one tera disk

My old pc was bios ithink asus p6t delxe v2 and now the new used pc is Ordinateur HP Elitedesk 800 G1 SFF

hi i have an idea , i think i will movie record the options i have at the beginning because there seem to be a lot like master boot and other stuff.

how do i turn in english language what seems like bios or eufi? now it is in french
and where can i post a 2 minutes video of me going through the options?
Hi i would like to have the option to use my old win7 on hdd tera if my dual boot ssd lets me down or any other reason. this is why i created this topic, to see if i can run my win7 tera hdd on my 800 g1 sff.

My hope is that yes i can do that and my hope is that i could also tell the pc to ignore the win 7 99.9 pourcent of the time. ( but still have the possibility to use it if i need . do you understand better now? so i first need to know if i can have my tera win7 work on this pc .
how to achieve it?
what is the PC you are running? What HP is it? I assume since bios is 2015 it should have win 7 drivers.

the error you got shows you have a corrupt file in win 7
this shows how to fix it if you have win 7 install disks -

I don't know if you will be able to fix it. What i would do is attach it as a 2nd drive in the PC and copy anything off it you don't want to lose. If you want a spare install, take the ssd out and reinstall Win 10 on the hdd as well, then you have backup.
elite desk hp g1 800 sff
the win 7 64 is on an old mbr tera spinpoint from old build
ido have the original win7 installation disk
and the macrium rescuimage dvd somewhere , is this what your talking about ?

If i succed in correcting the error, will i be able to run dual boot on ssd(linux win10) and have the tera with the win 7 and data on it?
cause if 3 os is too much confusion maybe i would simply delete win 7 instead of correcting it . but i would prefer correcting it .

it jues makes less ses to correct it if it is not to be usable when placed in the same pc that will have ssd as first intellect.
try running the windows link fix on the new PC and see if you can repair the install

As USAFRet already said, you can't move win 7 like this, we might fix it so it boots but its licence is tied to the other machine so you will have problems running it. I expect win 7 will deactivate and its not as easy to get around as using win 10 inactivated. then you have to find drivers.
If i succed in correcting the error, will i be able to run dual boot on ssd(linux win10) and have the tera with the win 7 and data on it?

link is to fix Win 7.

If you fix it, you can boot off that Hdd or the ssd, not both at same time. And you need to change bios each time to select it.

its possible you can add the win 7 boot details onto the ssd, and use both hdd at same time.

1st step is fix Win 7 as if you can't do that, the rest can't happen.
hi on the link they talk about a virus but it does not seem like virus is the problem .

how do i create such a a dvd? i know how to burn a dvd but i need to have somthing to burn onto the dvd.. Insert the Windows 7 System Repair DVD or Installation DVD and reboot

is it the a to j steps i have to do or the links are farere down on the page?

Also important questions , if i do these corection, do i risk loosing the other partiions on the hdd? ( cause the so called broken w seven is on the same hdd as other partions with info
