Win Media Player 7 won't stream video


Dec 31, 2007
I have Windows Media Player 7.01 and have been having problems streaming any Windows Media content off the internet. Everytime I try to stream video, it says it has to download a codec, downloads it, then starts to play. Only I have no video. The audio is fine but it's just a black screen. Anyone know of any fix for this?

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It might need a DivX codec as well. That won't hurt to try...

<font color=red><A HREF="" target="_new"></A> - My Windows XP-based Website</font color=red>
I believe you're still missing a codec or codecs of some sort.

Please visit <b><A HREF="" target="_new"></A></b>
one other thing that has caused that for me is hardware acceleration. If I pulled the slider bar all the way to the left (no hardware acceleration) the video would play. Just another possibility.

<i>It's always the one thing you never suspected.</i>
Here's the scoop. The hardware acceleration trick didn't work. I am trying to stream WMV encoded material, so codecs and DIVX shouldn't be a problem. Nonetheless, I already had the latest DIVX release. I am just thinkin about goin to XP anyway, so maybe I can live with this inconvience until then.

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