Win xp file creation date information


Aug 28, 2012
Hello all

I'm a 68 year old retired engineer. I cannot programme in C, or anything else for that matter. But I've got a problem which I cannot find an answer to. This is:

How do you find the file creation date? Not the last accessed or last modified date, just the creation date. The reason is that I have a mass of files which have been edited and I need to put them in order of creation. The DOS 'dir' command does not appear to help when run under 'cmd'.

I've read the answers after I did:

'win xp creation date information'

in my search engine. Whilst this is helpful for anyone who wants to change the date, it doesn't help one to find the date in the first place.

Can anyone provide a clue without biting my head off?

Thanks in advance.
Don't use the command prompt, use the file explorer. Right click the column heading bar and check off "creation date" so that it also shows as a column. Now click on the new column heading to sort by that column. Click it again to reverse the sort.

Win98se SP2012

Sep 19, 2013
The below will display & sort by create-dates:
DIR /t:c /od

Place : inbetween o & d for correct syntax,
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