Win10 only loads on Boot override now after failed update, help


Aug 22, 2008
Long story short, kinda lol....

So my pc has been off a few days. I turn it on and it is 'updating'. I go do some stuff while it does so, come back to my pc and it reverted back to windows 7 which I had installed on my HDD from awhile back. Well, this is kinda what I initially thought, but I believe that an update failed and it just started using my old windows 7 on my HDD instead of my Win10 on my SSD. Yes, I had two OS running.

Anyways, to my question. It seems that the only way for me to start my pc in windows 10 mode on my SSD is to manually in the BIOS settings hit the SSD boot option under Override. Because the boot order does not even show my SSD. Is there any quick way that I can fix this? Or am I forever stuck manually choosing it in the Bios settings unless I format, which I do not want to do due to lack of time ect.

Ps. I have a z97a mobo if that helps for troubleshooting.

Thanks and I hope that was somewhat understandable.

does boot order show a choice called Windows Boot Manager? If so, it should be the top choice to match win 10

since you can start it, try this
from desktop, go to settings/update & security/recovery - advanced start up. Press the restart PC now button
this loads advanced startup

we will try to fix MBR and at same time let bios see win 10 again
choose troubleshoot
choose advanced
choose command prompt
We need to use the Bootrec.exe tool. Click on command prompt and type in the following commands, one after the other:
bootrec /RebuildBcd
bootrec /fixMbr
bootrec /fixboot

Now go ahead and reboot your system. In some cases you may need to run some additional commands.
bootsect /nt60 SYS or bootsect /nt60 ALL

does boot order show a choice called Windows Boot Manager? If so, it should be the top choice to match win 10

since you can start it, try this
from desktop, go to settings/update & security/recovery - advanced start up. Press the restart PC now button
this loads advanced startup

we will try to fix MBR and at same time let bios see win 10 again
choose troubleshoot
choose advanced
choose command prompt
We need to use the Bootrec.exe tool. Click on command prompt and type in the following commands, one after the other:
bootrec /RebuildBcd
bootrec /fixMbr
bootrec /fixboot

Now go ahead and reboot your system. In some cases you may need to run some additional commands.
bootsect /nt60 SYS or bootsect /nt60 ALL

another thing that might do it is start up repair.
from the 1st lvl of advanced start up again,
choose troubleshoot
choose advanced
choose start up repair - this will scan PC and maybe fix this - will ask for logon info