Win10 read only & dissapearing HDD


Jan 15, 2019
I have 2 problems. One is a read only. I am trying to save wallpaper images to the Win\Web folder. It won't let me save. I've tried everything listed on Tom's with no luck. The other problem is, my HDD keeps disappearing in Explorer and I have to reboot to get it back. Any ideas?
1. All folders in windows 10 are read only by default, it normally doesn't matter as you should have access to all folders except those controlled by Windows users. You not only user on PC, windows has 2 users it uses to keep working, System & Trusted Installer. Its not wise to take ownership off either if you want windows to keep working.

What are you trying to achieve by putting images in that folder?

2. Have you run tests like HDTune on the hdd to make sure its working okay? Open the health tab in HDTune and let it run a SMART scan
As far as the folders are concerned; I'm trying to download wallpaper images and store them in the web folder. Concerning the HDD, I have run various diagnostics on that and found no problems. It is a Seagate 1T drive and brand new. I noticed this morning that it only does not show in Explorer when the system comes out of sleep. If I restart it does show up. I have a Samsung SSD as my C drive