WIN10 SSD Issue


Jul 19, 2014
SSD issue on Drive letters. I have two disks Dsk 0 and 1 Installed the SSD drive and cloned to SSD drive. Changed bios to boot the ssd. Now I have 3 drives showing --2 are Windows and 1 called System which has only 1 folder labeled "EFI" So I have an A, C and E hdds shown but of course I really only have two hdd drives. D is The DVD. How to get this system to show the correct drives is the question?

Can you please post a pic of your Disk Management screen?

Can you please post a pic of your Disk Management screen?

Among other possible things the boot manager and the recovery console live in the System Reserved volume. Make them homeless and your PC won't boot.


I took a picture of the computer mgt screen but do not how to upload it

No I think I first rebooted with the hdd running.
Click on Reply to Aquielisunari. Once you are at the reply screen you will see the text box with a bunch of icons above them. Click the one that looks like a Polaroid. Plaste an url that ends with a JPG, BMP, PNG or other pic based extension( is an example) . I use Once I have the pic uploaded it will offer me many different links. I click on the direct link and it's auto-copied.

I am sure that my solution was not the best but I unplugged the hdd then rebooted and reconnected the hdd and formatted the E drive which was 500MB, also remove the drive ltr then formatted the F drive. Now it will boot from C, the SSD. Of course, I lose the E area but it works I guess.

It was the best imo. It got the job done.

Many thanks for your kind assistance, old fart with slow brain

You're welcome :)