[SOLVED] Win11 stop code.

Jan 17, 2025
I have win 11 installed for about 12mths now. Upgraded from win10. Ticked all the boxes or so I thought. My motherboard is a Gigabyte GA AB 350M Gaming3. GPU is Directx12 compliant GTX1650. Ram 16g 3200. At the time of installation of win 11 cpu was Ryzen 5 1700. It is now a R5 2500 about 6mths ago. All was fine till 4 days ago the BSD and error message says <Clock Watchdog Timeout.> and again today. Recommended check 'www.windows.com/stopcode. Checked through the possible causes and one came up. TPM not present or turned on in Bios. Checked bios, found it and even though it said it detected the TPM yet it wasn't turned on. So I tried to turn it on. No dice. Then checked the board and lo and behold TPM header located but no TPM. I have since spent a couple of days looking for a TPM. Gigabyte recommends a TPM 2 and the header config is 20-1 pin. I have perused the comments and found the one I thought may it is actually a hit and miss. What is the recommended TPM for this board please.
I have win 11 installed for about 12mths now. Upgraded from win10. Ticked all the boxes or so I thought. My motherboard is a Gigabyte GA AB 350M Gaming3. GPU is Directx12 compliant GTX1650. Ram 16g 3200. At the time of installation of win 11 cpu was Ryzen 5 1700. It is now a R5 2500 about 6mths ago. All was fine till 4 days ago the BSD and error message says <Clock Watchdog Timeout.> and again today. Recommended check 'www.windows.com/stopcode. Checked through the possible causes and one came up. TPM not present or turned on in Bios. Checked bios, found it and even though it said it detected the TPM yet it wasn't turned on. So I tried to turn it on. No dice. Then checked the board and lo and behold TPM header located but no TPM. I have since spent a couple of days looking for a TPM. Gigabyte recommends a TPM 2 and the header config is 20-1 pin. I have perused the comments and found the one I thought may it is actually a hit and miss. What is the recommended TPM for this board please.
Reboot the computer and rapidly tap the "DEL" key on your keyboard to enter the BIOS.
Navigate to "Advance Mode" (Press F2) and go to “Settings” a “Miscellaneous” or “Peripherals” and select “AMD CPU fTPM”. Set it to “Enabled”.
Next navigate back to “Save and exit” and then reboot.

if its not there what bios version are you running

you may have to update the bios to get windows 11 running properly.

but in your motherboards case there are steps to do but i need to know your bios revision first.
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Cannot Enable TPM. The only one high lighted is "Clear TPM". of previous owner I presume.
Bios Ver F51h. I am not cosher with updating the bios. Did it once and it did work but thats another time and machine years ago. BSD is happening on a regular basis now especially when I bring up the little widgets that tell you what to do when I tried to update the chipset drivers. Also got a trojan warning while trying. Should I have blocked it as it was a very exacting message? 360 total security is my virus checker.
I have stated that the cpu was R5 2500 which is incorrect. It is a R5 2600. If that makes a difference. Sorry.
Reboot the computer and rapidly tap the "DEL" key on your keyboard to enter the BIOS.
Navigate to "Advance Mode" (Press F2) and go to “Settings” a “Miscellaneous” or “Peripherals” and select “AMD CPU fTPM”. Set it to “Enabled”.
Next navigate back to “Save and exit” and then reboot.

if its not there what bios version are you running

you may have to update the bios to get windows 11 running properly.

but in your motherboards case there are steps to do but i need to know your bios revision first.
Followed your advice. The only line open at the settings is "Clear TPM", to clear previous owner settings I suppose. But no action at all.
Bios Ver F51h.
CPU R5 2600. not 2500. sorry.
put your minidump file on a server, share it out for public access and post a link. someone with a debugger can at least tell you what device is not responding.
there are watchdog timers on
cpu to cpu cores, video, usb, and drives. each have a different timeout. with the memory dump you can at least know what system to focus on.
check for a minidump or a kernel dump(has more debug info)
debugger command that is helpful
put your minidump file on a server, share it out for public access and post a link. someone with a debugger can at least tell you what device is not responding.
there are watchdog timers on
cpu to cpu cores, video, usb, and drives. each have a different timeout. with the memory dump you can at least know what system to focus on.
check for a minidump or a kernel dump(has more debug info)
debugger command that is helpful
I have checked and analyzed the minidump. Hung processor 6 not processing interrupts. So I'm in for another CPU. Does this sounds about right? If so thank you for your directions. I have never been this far into checking anything computer wise. But now all I want is to fix it. Thank you.
I have checked and analyzed the minidump. Hung processor 6 not processing interrupts. So I'm in for another CPU. Does this sounds about right? If so thank you for your directions. I have never been this far into checking anything computer wise. But now all I want is to fix it. Thank you.
for a hung processor you should change to a from a minidump to a kernel dump. I have seen bogus hung processors that were actually caused by plug and play.
with a kernel dump use the debugger command
!pnptriage to make sure plug and play is not attempting to install a driver on one core while another core is trying to use it. if the driver fails the install on one core, the core that is waiting reports that the other core is hung and calls a bugcheck. plug and play attempt to install the broken driver over and over until the watchdog timer goes off.
in this case it would be a bug in the driver even though it looks like a cpu error. stopping the plug and play service will give you time to fix this error.
ie start cmd.exe as an admin then run
net.exe /stop "plug and play"
then update the bad driver and install it and run
net.exe /start "plug and play"
for a hung processor you should change to a from a minidump to a kernel dump. I have seen bogus hung processors that were actually caused by plug and play.
with a kernel dump use the debugger command
!pnptriage to make sure plug and play is not attempting to install a driver on one core while another core is trying to use it. if the driver fails the install on one core, the core that is waiting reports that the other core is hung and calls a bugcheck. plug and play attempt to install the broken driver over and over until the watchdog timer goes off.
in this case it would be a bug in the driver even though it looks like a cpu error. stopping the plug and play service will give you time to fix this error.
ie start cmd.exe as an admin then run
net.exe /stop "plug and play"
then update the bad driver and install it and run
net.exe /start "plug and play"
Your intuition was spot on. Kernel dump revealed a driver trying to install and couldn't because the cpu core(6) was in use. I checked and found it was a Microsoft driver trying to install but failed. realtek wireless which was actually the wrong driver and MS Update was trying to install it. My wireless and BT works fine without this update so I stopped MS driver updating in settings. I'm yet to confirm that this solution actually works. So far so good. Thank you.
Then checked the board and lo and behold TPM header located but no TPM. I have since spent a couple of days looking for a TPM. Gigabyte recommends a TPM 2 and the header config is 20-1 pin. I have perused the comments and found the one I thought may it is actually a hit and miss. What is the recommended TPM for this board please.
just so you know, the TPM is likely built into your CPU so if you can enable ftpm it should work. The module on motherboard isn't necessary since its inside the CPU.
Gigabyte GA AB 350M Gaming3
they only 3 behind, I have seen worse
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you can disable the plug and play service.
then you can use cmd.exe as an admin then run
pnputil.exe /e > c:\outfile.exe
then look at the file c:\outfile.xe and see if you can find the oem.inf file that was trying to be installed (bad one) the you can delete it.
via pnputil.exe /d oemxx.inf
(if i remember correctly, been years)
you might want to download the correct oem.inf file for the device
then you can enable the plug and play service again.
hung processor bugcheck is pretty common with wireless driver updates. Many of the installers, just put the driver on the machine and actually do not make the newly installed driver the default driver. You have to do that update yourself. Often people only think they updated the driver but the updated driver is not active.
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you can disable the plug and play service.
then you can use cmd.exe as an admin then run
pnputil.exe /e > c:\outfile.exe
then look at the file c:\outfile.xe and see if you can find the oem.inf file that was trying to be installed (bad one) the you can delete it.
via pnputil.exe /d oemxx.inf
(if i remember correctly, been years)
you might want to download the correct oem.inf file for the device
then you can enable the plug and play service again.
hung processor bugcheck is pretty common with wireless driver updates. Many of the installers, just put the driver on the machine and actually do not make the newly installed driver the default driver. You have to do that update yourself. Often people only think they updated the driver but the updated driver is not active.
Followed through and reported no bad drivers. I am now at a loss. And to make things worse my game is now artifacting. I am now looking back at the motherboard itself and the gpu or cpu. I actually think the board is dying and I now need to try another one.
I am puzzled. What are you saying?
Sorry for late reply. I am getting a bosd with "Clock WatchDog Stop Code" Checked Error messages and it could be a number or causes. I am not a computer savvy techy, far from it. But I like the challenge and again 'but' I think I've bitten off more than I can chew. TPM which was not running, that was not activated in bios but through windows which puzzled me a bit because thats where it was activated. BOSD still happens. Followed advice from members and found what they suspected like hung CPU core with a program trying to install but core(6) was hung/stopped. Also checked for bad app/drvr but the app didn't show one. So I think CPU faulty. Try out with my game 'FO4' and then I get "Artifacting" across the screen. Only in game this happens. GPU exactly 12mths old Gigabyte 1650 4g. Now I'm thinking GPU. Two weeks out of warranty. So after all the help which I enjoyed following through the hurdles of programs/ apps. I think replacements are due. I am starting off with the GPU. What do you think?
TPM not running shouldn't have caused the BSOD AFAIK. That may have just been a coincidence.
https://superuser.com/questions/1768382/why-was-enabling-tpm-2-0-wrong (this link backs up idea it wasn't likely the tpm)

does GPU artifact in any other games? have you tried running any GPU benchmarks like 3dmark, Heaven... to see if it happens elsewhere?
can you show screenshots of what you see?

cards don't normally die that conveniently - I mean, 2 weeks after warranty ends. I find hardware either die right away or lasts a long time. Thats my experience with GPU anyway.

Part of me suggests waiting to see if you get a BSOD again and give the dump to john