Win2k Crashes???


Dec 31, 2007
I have been trying to install Win2k on a Intel 800EB mounted on an Abit SE6 Motherboard. I continue to get a weird crash where the mouse pointer will move randomly as I move the Mouse and leave small square trails in it's path. Also all icons will be white but seem to retain thier proper shape. Keyboard keys have randome effects. CTL-ALT-DEL will cause the Windows security window to open (Sometimes) but I am unable to control access to any of it's buttons. Some times a reset will bring up windows correctly (W/O the crash described above) The system has had Windows Me on it before and ran very well. When I started my many installs, I formated the disk so everything was cleaned off. I am using FAT-32.
Has anyone seen anything like this?????
Were you upgrading to Windows 2000 from Windows Me? If you were, I've read that you shouldn't upgrade because it would be more problematic. Instead, you should do a clean install.

<i>OC...unless your computer's cheezy (is that a good rhyme?)</i> 😱
Try bios upgrade see if that cures it
are you using the ps2 port or usb?
Bit of advice
Go to NTFS not Fat32. is more stable that way.
I am using the PS2 Mouse Port. I updated the BIOS about 3 months ago and I checked that it's the latest BIOS they have today.
I was concerned that if I used NTFS format some of my programs may encounter a problem.
Upgrading to NTFS will not effect your programs, your programs will run more effeciently and faster under NTFS.

Not sure if that will fix the problem. More lockups are due to Video drivers or Sound drivers.

Reformat your hardrive into NTFS. Then once Windows 2000 boots up for the first time go to Windows Update (before you install any drivers, such as video or sound). I know its frustrating looking at a screen with only 16 colors and 640x480 resolution. upgrade to service pack 2, and then install the "latest" video, sound, network, modem, motherboard drivers. Good Luck.

MCSE 2000

I bought a pentium once!
Everybody makes mistakes..