Hi, I have managed to work out all the kinks in Win 2000 on my computer except for one. I have an Asus K7V, Athlon Classic 850, GF2, 128 MB of RAM, and Seagate 18G HDD that supports UltraATA 66. The problem is that in Win2000 my hard drive churns ENDLESSLY. I will more often than not time out from a half-life server while my computer is trying to churn out the map. I've looked under the Device manager and under my "IDE ATA/ATAPI controllers/VIA Bus Master Ultra ATA Controller" as well as the "VIA BM Ultra DMA Channel" and I have been unable to find the "Use ATA66 if available tab" It's not that I can't find it, it is that is isn't there. I've seen numerous guides detailing where it is, and it isn't on my system. I've installed SP2, the VIA 4in1 drivers, and all other relevant drivers, and it hasn't helped at all. Anyone know what is going on?