Win2K, PPPOE and 3com


Feb 14, 2004
Hi there,

I've a laptop win2k, a 3com 10/100 ethernet and a PPPOE DSL modem
I found some elements on this like raspppoe and so.

I installed raspppoe
I patched this ras with the 3com patch
I launched the dialer creation
I then created a VPN connexion using this raspppoe adapter, but i'm still not able to connect the internet !

I know this is quite unusual and techi, but if one you you have met this issue and can help on this it would be great !




Feb 9, 2004
Need some more info to try and help you out. What sort of VPN client are you using? When you say you are unable to reach the internet are you attempting to use your business connection to the internet via the VPN? If you are attempting to use the VPN connection for internet or for anything for that matter make sure you can ping things in your internal work network from home before you bother with the internet. Also just a guess but most VPN use IPSec which is disabled by default in Win2k and there is a post SP4 patch for it. Make sure to get the post SP4 patch and find out if your VPN requires IPSec. The wierd thing is at least with Checkpoint if you don't enable IPSec you can log into the VPN but you can't do anything because it won't really send your packets since it cannot communicate via IKE.
good luck