Win2k Start Menu


May 28, 2001
You know in Win2k, the unused folders and links are auto hide after a period of time? Is there a way to disable that and make it to show all folders/links at all time? I know in WinME there is a option to turn if off, but I have looked through all the possible places for this option in Win2k, so far no luck..

Anyone know the trick?
I've reverted back to Windows 98, so I can remember the exact location. But, I think it's in the Taskbar properties. Somewhere along the lines "Display frequently used programs before showing all" (I'm guessing, but try...)
Is there a "use personalized menus" option? Try unchecking that.

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Right click on your taskbar and select properties.
Uncheck personalized menus

I bought a pentium once!
Everybody makes mistakes..
OH LOL, that's what Personalized Menu means?!?! I thought it's the choice between "all user start menu" or your "user's start menu", hehe.

Thanks guys
Yeah, personalized menu's is misleading. In my old shop we had one guy who is a MCT and it took 4 of us to figure out how to turn the thing off.

Blah, Blah Blahh, Blahh, blahh blah blahh, blah blah.
Yeah, that one stumped me for a while too. I actually deleted and setup a new user account before I took the time to figure out what a "personalized" menu is. The name is very misleading.

Sarcasm maybe the recourse of a weak mind,
But it can be funny as hell.
That's EXACTLY what I thought it meant too before I figured it out.

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Nope, you're all wrong :)
Right click on taskbar, select the Advanced tab, then scroll to the bottom of the menu just above the ok button.
Bingo. Uncheck the "Scrool the Programs menu" box.
Yeup, I'm good 😎

Apple? Macintosh? What are these strange words you speak?
Different OS :)
Think that's ME you're talking about.

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Windows ME, that is! :)

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