Win2K WinMgmt.EXE error, how to fix ?


Jul 9, 2001
This WinMgmt.exe error, keep poppin up every one minute or so.

It said that Window need to closed WinMgmt.exe and write some error files.

The problem this window/error keeping popping up every minute or so.

I reboot still the same problem, How can I fix it ?
Try running a "Check Disk" at bootup. Go into Windows Explorer and right click on your W2k HDD, then properties, "Tools" tab, click on "Check Now", then check the option to "Automatically fix file system error". Then the next time you restart Check Disk will run. I hope this helps.

Fisher of men
I tried check disk already, but it doesn't detect any error 🙁

The error still popping up every minute 🙁 Its really getting annoying.
Go to Control panel/Administrative tools/Services and double click on "Windows Management Instrumentation". Under Service status click the Stop button and click OK.

In Explorer go to Winnt\System32\Wbem\Repository folder and delete ALL files. They are corrupted.

Restart and the files will be re-created and the problem will be fixed.
Thanks man :)

But now my compie starting to get Blue Screen every now and then.

I got it when I played Quake 3 and Final Fantasy 8.

Quake 3, especially when using dual CPU (For some reason when using SMP Quake 3 is slower)

My spec

Dual P3 733
256 MB RAM
MSI Mobo with RAID
Asus Geforce 3
Ultra Wide SCSI card
18 Gig Seagate 10,000 rpm HDD
52x CD-ROM
Ethernet card
and 400 W supplied.

Why do I get blue screen requiring hard reset every now and then ?? I am using Win 2000, with sp2. All with latest driver 🙁

I got an 1.4 GHz Athlon and I haven't experience any blue screen 🙁.

Is Linux going to be better for my Dualies ??
My question to you is, are both of your processors EXACTLY the same??? I mean LOT number and everything, all the way down to what country it was made in. Believe it or not, this matters, any time running dual chips, they MUST be EXACTLY the same (besides serial number) to be error free. The best choices are most definitely server grade CPU's.