Win7 BSOD ntfs.sys


Aug 8, 2015
I've been dealing with this bsod for more than a year i think, and i've had enough of it. I tried a lot of things, like updating my drivers, chkdsk, malware and virus scans, but the bsod still appears. Most of the time it appears randomly, when i play games, when i'm on Youtube, anytime really. And usually it's the KERNEL_DATA_INPAGE_ERROR with the stop code 0x7A and it says there is a problem with the ntfs.sys file. Sometimes, i get the bsod with the code 0xF4, but no other info is given. When i recently ran chkdsk/r the only thing it found was: bad clusters in file of name pagefile.sys. I am using a Dell laptop. There is a certain pattern of the blue screens: first, randomly, i get the 0x7A bsod, and right after that one, before windows even starts, i get two 0xF4 screens. I will include the zip file of the minidumps shortly. (i want to give the most info i can, and minidumps are crucial, but i don't know if i should just send you guys the zip file of the dumps, or should i do something else?). Thanks in advance :)

http:// -the minidumps
Looks like the ntfs stop error can mean the hdd is faulty, there's something wrong with the sata cable

Or try updating the firmware on the hdd

Looks like the BAD_SYSTEM_CONFIG_INFO stop error. Which is 0x00000074 can mean there's an error in the registry

Have you been using registry cleaners?

I would uninstall daemontools. Its a known cause of crashes

I would uninstall Avast for now then use their removal tool

Thank you for your answer :) . I have been using CCleaner, i'll do some research on it. I do have daemontools, i'll unistall it right away. I didn't know it can cause crashes. If that doesn't help, i'll unistall avast and do as you say. I'll update on how things are going.
Today, as i exited a game, a bsod appeared, the 0x7A with kernel_data_inpage_error and ntfs.sys. After this one, there was a 0xF4 bsod but for some reason the minidumps are only 0kb and empty.
several problems with your system.
-the system is reporting a IO error attempting to read from you storage, this results in the kernel inpage bugcheck
- you have windows RTM build 7600, you have to update to build 7601 (windows 7 sp1+ updates) or you will get various bugchecks caused by old bugs
if you run a current version of a video driver or if you run current versions of virus scanners.

I could not read your BIOS info but make sure your BIOS is updated and reset it to defaults.
I would check the cables to your sata drive and maybe put your sata drive on a different port or a slower stat controller in a effort to get rid of any IO errors from the drive.

I would run crystaldiskinfo.exe and read the smart data from the drive to see how many errors are coming from the drive itself.
if you get lots of errors you might consider a full format of the drive (not a quick format) and a clean install of windows 7 sp1
(windows 8 can move data from bad sectors but winodows 7 requires a full format to fix these problems)

do yourself a favor and update the BIOS it it is out of date, it sets up the electronics for your SATA controllers and for your USB hardware.

also if you run windows 7 be sure to go here:
to update your Realtek RTL8168D/8111D Family PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet NIC
driver or your virus scanners and streaming software and maybe your VPN will not work correctly.

Thank you for the answer! I will do all of those suggested things one by one, to see what caused and hopefully what solved the problem. Will update this thread with how things are going :)

I did the crystal scan and this is what i got:
The temperature is bad but that is the only thing i uderstand, and i get that something is wrong with the air flow/cooling?
if a mechanical hard drive gets hot it may cause the heads not to line up with the sector markers on the spinning platter this can lead to read error attempting to read a sector. The system will attempt to read the sectors for many attempts it it fails then you will get a kernel inpage memory error bugcheck.

spinning hard drives alignment of the heads to the sector marks on the platter also change as the bearings in the drives motors wear (and with temp) the only way to fix this would be to use a utility or run use windows 8 or above.
Windows 8 will attempt to read each sector off your drive and will relocate data if it gets a error, then it marks the sector as bad. Windows 7 you have to do a full format (not a quick format) of the drive or use a tool to mark the sectors bad.
Problem is people don't want to wait for a full format, It could take 8 hours and just assume no bad sectors on the drive.
With windows 8, the new drives are so big, windows 8 just check all the sectors and fixes things in the background after the system is idle for 5 mins and before it goes to sleep.

You might plug your drive as a data drive to a windows 8 system and turn off sleep functions and see if it will do a repair of the drive overnight. You also need to figure out if the drive is actually hot or if it is a bad sensor.

if a mechanical hard drive gets hot it may cause the heads not to line up with the sector markers on the spinning platter this can lead to read error attempting to read a sector. The system will attempt to read the sectors for many attempts it it fails then you will get a kernel inpage memory error bugcheck.

spinning hard drives alignment of the heads to the sector marks on the platter also change as the bearings in the drives motors wear (and with temp) the only way to fix this would be to use a utility or run use windows 8 or above.
Windows 8 will attempt to read each sector off your drive and will relocate data if it gets a error, then it marks the sector as bad. Windows 7 you have to do a full format (not a quick format) of the drive or use a tool to mark the sectors bad.
Problem is people don't want to wait for a full format, It could take 8 hours and just assume no bad sectors on the drive.
With windows 8, the new drives are so big, windows 8 just check all the sectors and fixes things in the background after the system is idle for 5 mins and before it goes to sleep.

You might plug your drive as a data drive to a windows 8 system and turn off sleep functions and see if it will do a repair of the drive overnight. You also need to figure out if the drive is actually hot or if it is a bad sensor.

All right i just installed windows 8.1 and previously i did a full format of my hard drive and now that i see this post i'm glad i did it 😀 I didn't know that win 8 actually can avoid the bad sectors unlike win7. I'll see how things are going.